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February through May 2025

Kidding season has begun and for us here at the ranch, Spring has sprung! We have four does who have kidded and three more to add as they kid. Please check out "Fainting Goats" above and click on "Goats for sale page" for pictures and pricing.

We have a wonderful new young herd sire, Rusty Rivers who has two permanent Grand Champion Grandfathers.

All kids come with shots, worming, banding if needed, hoof trim and papers from the Myotonic Goat Registry. Doelings and bucklings are $400 and up and wetherlings are $200 and up. We have strived to attain the highest quality of offspring possible. As we move forward in 2024, we guarantee our continued effort to do our best.

Please check out our pictures of competitions, parades and costume contests we have attended throughout the years.

To contact us immediately, our cell phone is (661) 305-3755 or our home phone is (661) 268-7669.

Thanks for checking out our website and our goats,
Linda and Andree Martin

Last Fall in Agua Dulce:

These are the Fainting Goat competition pictures of 2011 and 2012. We haven't travelled to Ramona the last few years because most prospective buyers are not interested in showing goats. This helps us keep the prices down too! Buyers can request a myotonic registered and micro chipped kid for competition purposes if they wish to show or breed.

Triple T Rivers: 2012 Senior Champion Buck Triple T Rivers: 2012 Grand Champion Buck Jasper: 2012 Senior Champion Wether Jasper: 2012 Grand Champion Wether
Triple T Rivers won Senior Champion Buck and Grand Champion Buck at the Valley of the Fainting Sun Open MGR Show SMR Jasper won Senior Champion Wether and Grand Champion Wether at the Open MGR Show.
Peanut: 2012 Junior Champion Wether Peanut: 2012 Junior Champion Wether SMR Laker: 2012 Reserve Junior Champion Buck SMR Laker: 2012 Champion Futurity Buckling
SMR Peanut won Junior Champion Wether and Reserve Grand Champion Wether at the Open MGR Show SMR Laker won Reserve Junior Champion Buck at the 2012 Valley of the Fainting Sun Open FGG Goat Show. At the Oktoberfest Futurity Show he won Champion Futurity Buckling.
Ancient Valley Coffee Crunch Cookie ANC: 2012 Senior Champion Doe
Ancient Valley Coffee Crunch Cookie ANC ("Oreo") won Senior Champion Doe and Reserve Grand Champion Doe at the Open MGR show

2011 Winners

Bambi, Yearling Champion Doe Bambi, Reserve Grand Champion Doe Trixie, Yearling Reserve Champion Doe Coffee Crunch, Senior Reserve Champion Doe
Bambi won Yearling Champion Doe and Reserve Grand
Champion Doe on the 4th.
Trixie won Reserve Yearling Champion Doe on the 4th Coffee Crunch Cookie won Reserve Senior Champion Doe on the 5th.
Elvis, Junior Champion Wether Elvis, Reserve Grand Champion Wether Jasper, Senior Champion Wether Jasper, Grand Champion Wether
Elvis won Junior Champion Wether and Reserve Grand Champion
Wether on both the 4th and 5th.
Jasper won Senior Champion Wether and Grand Champion
Wether on the 4th.
Buck-a-Roo, Yearling Champion Buck-a-Roo Grand Champion Buck Triple T Rivers, Western Regional Champion Buck  
Buck-a-Roo won Yearling Champion and Grand Champion
Buck on the 4th.
Triple T Rivers, our latest addition, won Western Regional Champion Buck!

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